TOP 10 Websites of The World!!!
Here we try To Present you the world's Top most websites. This data is based on Alexa. ALexa is a site which keeps the database and updates the traffic info of many websites. It's ranking is used for reference by many websites. Based on it's data, the top most websites of the world are - ranks first in the Series. Ofcourse There can be no doubts about it. According to alexa , around 30% of global internet users visit Google. In crisp about google- "Enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages. The company's focus is developing search technology."
- Next Comes the Google's Rival . In crips about yahoo -"Personalized content and search options. Chatrooms, free e-mail, clubs, and pager." - According to Alexa, around 26% of global visitors visit yahoo everyday.
- Third comes google's In short "YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide!" . According to alexa around 18% of global internet users visit Youtube.
- Next comes - "A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos." - Alexa says 17% of global internet users visit Facebook. This is in tough locks with . The ranks of both are fluctuating as both are almost with same trafiic.
- In fift place is the WIndows Live -, the search engine of Microsoft. According to Alexa around 17 - 18% of global visitors visit this site.
- Next comes which provides dial up and content. This site is visited by around 15% of glabal internet users.
- Next comes the popular online collaborative encyclopedia According to alexa, around 8- 9 % of global internet users visit wikipedia.
- In the eight position is the "Free, automated weblog publishing tool that sends updates to a site via FTP". Around 8-9 % of global users visit this site.
- In ninth positiion is the Social Networking Site According to Alexa around 4-5 % of the global users visit the site.
- So in the number 10th position is -- "The leading Chinese language search engine, provides simple and reliable search experience, strong in Chinese language and multi-media content including MP3 music and movies, the first to offer WAP and PDA-based mobile search in China." Around 5% of global internet users visit this site.
So these are the top ten sites in the world web. Please drop your comments. And for top 100 (even top million sites ) please visit Alexa .