Water .. The Drop Of Lilfe
![]() Water is fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a healthy life in human dignity. It is a pre-requisite to the realization of all other human rights.
- United Nations
Water Resources
Our Part
Wednesday, 25 Nov 2009
MIT tries to solve history’s ‘largest mass poisoning’
Researchers in MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering believe they have pinpointed a pathway by which arsenic may be contaminating the drinking water in Bangladesh, a phenomenon that has puzzled scientists, world health agencies and the Bangladeshi government for nearly 30 years..
Date: 25 Nov 2009 , Author: / Category: Environment, Water / Views: 5880/Rating:NAN
Thursday, 10 Sep 2009
India Under Severe Water Stress - NASA!!!
The NW India is under water stress from years. Everyone knows that ground water is being used at an alarming rate. But there is no concrete data about what is the rate of decline of ground water level. NASA with it's GRACE satellite comes up with some DATA.. please Read on......
Date: 10 Sep 2009 , Author: / Category: Water, India / Views: 5392/Rating:3.7
Sunday, 3 May 2009
New way of CUltivating Rice with Less water and seeds
India made enormous strides during and after the Green Revolution that enabled the country to become self sufficient in food grains. The revolution allowed India to lift millions of people out of poverty. Agricultural growth during this period reduced poverty by raising farm incomes, increasing the demand for rural labor, and reducing food prices....
Date: 3 May 2009 , Author: / Category: Water, India / Views: 4330/Rating:3