Sunday, 4 Mar 2012
India Closer To Developing it's own "Eye in the Sky"
India amid challenging neighborhood, already participated in four wars with Pakistan, including one undeclared war and one war with China since the partition in 1947, as well as many border skirmishes and military stand-offs. Additionally, India has accused Pakistan of engaging in proxy wars by providing military and financial assistance to violent non-state actors. So India is pulling all it's resources to update and to equip it's defence forces with the Modern warfare. India is following a two prong approach, buying from the world players through defence deals with various countries and producing in-house by developing the skill bank and industry. The indiginizing effort now a days gained good momentum even though not up to the required extent. LCA tejas , Kaveri Engine , Medium Combat Air Crafts etc. are at various stages of development.
In th urge to develop advance technology in-house , India has moved a step closer to developing it's own Airborne Early Warning and Control System
Date: 4 Mar 2012 , Author: / Category: India Defence / Views: 7010/Rating:3.2