World Wide Web turns 20!!!
WWW turns 20!!!
The world wide web or simply the web turns twenty in march 2009. Even at this young it is still the most popular of all. Now a days it is really tough imagning a world with out World Wide Web. This web has covered up all the world with millions and billions of web pages heaping up and some thousands and thousands of pages being added daily. By the way how this web came into existence? It all started in CERN ( European Organisation for Nuclear Research) . Here we try to present the story of Web........
The Story of Web
Twenty years ago in the month of march , something happened at CERN that would change the world forever: Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at CERN, handed a document to his supervisor Mike Sendall entitled "Information Management : a Proposal". "Vague, but exciting" is how Mike described it, and he gave Tim the nod to take his proposal forward. The following year, the World Wide Web was born. The Web, as it is affectionately called, was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automatic information sharing between scientists working in different universities and institutes all over the world.
Tim Berners-Lee the inventor of WWW ©CERN
The basic idea of the WWW was to merge the technologies of personal computers, computer networking and hypertext into a powerful and easy to use global information system.
The first web servers were all located in European physics laboratories and only a few users had access to the NeXT
platform on which the first browser ran. CERN soon provided a much simpler browser, which could be run on any system.
The World's First Web Server @ CERN
The Journey Of Web
By the end of 1994, the Web had 10,000 servers, of which 2,000 were commercial, and 10 million users. Traffic was equivalent to shipping the entire collected works of Shakespeare every second. The technology was continually extended to cater for new needs. Security and tools for e-commerce were the most important features soon to be added.
In January 1995, the International World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was
founded ‘to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its
By 2007 W3C, run jointly by MIT/LCS in the US, INRIA in France, and Keio University in Japan, had
more than 430 member organizations from around the world.
And it is now much beyond one's comprehension how Big The Web has grown.... It is definetly the world's biggest source of information... It started the Knowledge Revolution.
What is the World's First Website
So do you wnat to know what is the world's first website? Here it is - Click Here to Visit the World's fist website - .
And to know more about the Web and it's creation please visit the Official CERN website for 20 years of WWW celebrations - Click Here .
So it's all how the Web began.... and started weaving all around us. It is that has given power to globalization and paved way for creation of a Global Village...... Please Drop your valuable comments.....