Sunday, 20 Nov 2011
MIT Research: Global Warming Killed 90% of the Earth beings 252 Million Years Ago
Image showing the Five Major Mass Extinctions in the Last 500 million years on earth
Global Warming/ Climate Change the buzz words that were circulating since the last two decades with scientists warning of rising sea levels and extinction of species couldn't turn in to much action. There are still quiet considerable percentage of policy makers who dunk the climate change prophecies. Many researchers are being on both ends. But it requires no Phd to understand that the quality of life is deteroirating inspite of greatest scientific achievements. People say that History repeats - and it proved to be true on many occassions . Now the issue is a research by MIT geeks that Global warming killed 90 % of the species on this earth some 252 million years ago. ..
Date: 20 Nov 2011 , Author: / Category: Environment, / Views: 7850/Rating:3.7
Saturday, 10 Sep 2011
Oxford Research: Pocket Fuel Cells to replace batteries
Today the world is going mobile -Even Laptops are old fashioned now . The era of ipads, smart mobiles is already here. Every one wants the world in their hands . But their is one hiccup with this gizmos, the battery. The prime power driver for these mobile devices is the major hurdle in being completely mobile - you have to wire often to get it charged. Lithium ion is the present power source for most of the Laptops and gadgets. Battery is one place where to say frankly innovation is slower.
Now Oxford University is developing a new technology using catalysts which make hydrogen from formic acid and could eventually replace lithium batteries and power a host of mobile devices...
Date: 10 Sep 2011 , Author: / Category: Energy, / Views: 4534/Rating:NAN
Tuesday, 14 Jun 2011
Google invests 280 million dollars to make solar energy affordable
To date,Google has invested over $680 million in innovative clean energy companies and projects through, Google Ventures and Google corporate investments. Google intends to supporte cleantech companies with scalable and potentially breakthrough technologies that could produce renewable energy cheaper than coal. Some of the google's investments in clean energy -
Today Google announced a $280 million investment to create a fund, in partnership with SolarCity, to help the company finance more solar installations across US.This is Google's first investment in "distributed" renewable energy (generated and used right at home). The investment is expected to be a quadruple-win for Google, SolarCity, the environment, and new customers who get access to clean energy at a economic rates.
Date: 14 Jun 2011 , Author: / Category: Energy, / Views: 4360/Rating:NAN
Friday, 10 Jun 2011
MIT report : Natural Gas can be short term solution for green house gas reduction
Natural gas is important in many sectors of the economy: for generating electricity, as a heat source for industry and buildings, and in chemical feedstock. Despite its vital importance to the economy, natural gas has often been overlooked, or at best taken for granted, in the debate about the future of energy.
Over the past two or three years, this has started to change, and natural gas is finding its place at the heart of the energy discussion. Given the abundance of natural gas available through extensive global resources and the recent emergence of substantial unconventional supplies in the United States and discovery of new sources in some countries, worldwide usage of the fuel is likely to continue to grow considerably and contribute to significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions for decades to come, according to a comprehensive, multidisciplinary study carried out over the last three years by MIT researchers...
Date: 10 Jun 2011 , Author: / Category: Energy / Views: 6876/Rating:5 / Comments:
Friday, 22 Apr 2011
April 22nd is Earth Day : Have We Changed the Mother Earth for ever?
Mother Earth is a common expression for the planet earth in a number of countries and regions, which reflects the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet. For instance, Bolivians call Mother Earth Pachamama and Nicaraguans refer to her as Tonantzin. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day.
Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970.
From then the not-so-humble beginnings in 1970, when 20 million participated across the U.S., Earth Day has grown into a global tradition, which is now celebrated every year by more than a billion people in 180 nations around the world but many will do so with Facebook rather than megaphones.
Date: 22 Apr 2011 , Author: / Category: Environment / Views: 4366/Rating:5