Friday, 12 Feb 2010
The Indian-Chinese Cold War of Missiles
As the memories of Cold War of USSR and USA faded long back, to fill the void now comes the cold war of China and India.Though the intensity of this Cold War is much less than what it was between USA and USSR, but the under currents were strong enough.
Relations between the two countries have ranged from post-independence bonhomie to armed conflict in 1962 to a state of armed peace. Despite a shared Buddhist religious history and an established trade along the Silk Road, there was historically little political interaction between the two. China is spending 4.3 % and India some 2.5% of their GDP on Military. Both are making ICBM, IBRMs missiles. Recently India successfully launched Agni- III missile.
Date: 12 Feb 2010 , Author: / Category: India Defence / Views: 4297/Rating:5