Wednesday, 11 Mar 2009
Max Planck - The Photon Of Physics
ax Planck is considered as the founder of "Quantum Theory" . His concept of Discrete bundles of energy the Photon turned the course of events in the flow of physics. His famous assumption that energy is not continuous but discrete and later consolidated by experiments. This led later to Bhor's Theory of "Hydrogen Atom" .....
Date: 11 Mar 2009 , Author: / Category: Science Legends / Views: 4197/Rating:NAN
Shushruta - The Father of Surgery!!!
Sushruta was the famous surgeon of Kashi, popularly known as Benares and used to teach and practice medicine around 600 BC.The historic contribution of Sushruta, the ancient surgeon of India,..........
Date: 11 Mar 2009 , Author: / Category: Indian Legends / Views: 11248/Rating:3.8 / Comments: