Thursday, 7 Jan 2010
Stranded on Mars for Six Years- Spirit Rover - Future Uncertain : NASA
Have you seen the Avatar Movie? Really great Movie - isn't it? In general what I observe is, we human really like aliens and we have that inherent love for going to other planets, knowing about them. All alien movies are generally set to be box office hits (unless and until the movie is not a complete mess). Fine I will Come to the point : "NASA's Mars Rover Has Uncertain Future as Sixth Anniversary Nears"
Date: 7 Jan 2010 , Author: / Category: Science and Technology / Views: 2244/Rating:NAN / Comments:
Microsoft Shows Off Slate PC
As the heat is building up for Apple’s iSlate, a sudden change has been occurred in the atmosphere. And it comes from one the oldest buddy of Apple, Microsoft. Aiming to fend off competitors in a bid to expand Microsoft's consumer reach, CEO Steve Ballmer announced a new slate computer Wednesday night as he kicked off the annual International Consumer Electronics Show.
Essentially a laptop with no keyboard, the computer comes as rival Apple prepares to introduce a much-hyped tablet PC of its own later this month.
"We are talking about something as portable as a phone and as powerful as Windows 7," Ballmer said to an audience of more than 3,500 at the Las Vegas Hilton Center. "And they are perfect for reading, for surfing the Web and for taking entertainment on the go."
Date: 7 Jan 2010 , Author: / Category: Computers and Web / Views: 3741/Rating:NAN