Saturday, 5 Jun 2021
Layman tips - How to Use Google Finance function in Google Spreadsheet to monitor your Equity Portfolio
One thing what this Pandemic had done is it encourage lot of Newbies into investing. My wife who is an housewife also wanted to try her luck in the Equities. One should have Demat account for trading - that is the basic pre-requisite. There are various demat providers like Zeroda, 5 paisa, Upstox etc. Once we make the Demat functional and charged it up with funds, then the real game starts. As we keep transacting, my wife felt a need to give a proper snapshot of the shares on hand and what was already sold out. The apps of demat do provide lot of data, but some how an excel of data will always look better and will help to grasp the data better.
Date: 5 Jun 2021 , Author: dilip / Category: My Life, Computers and Web / Views: 1850/Rating:NAN