Nobel Laureate Annoyed by Indian's "OVER" Attention
When some people used to say "Indian Mentality" I was
the first to differ. But now I too feel the pinch of so called "Indian Mentality". This is evident from the case of Nobel 2009 Chemistry Laureate Prof.
Venkatraman. In an Email Interview to PTI he expressed his anguish about the Over attention he is getting in the form of huge number of emails,
which are not at all called for ....
Nationality is simply an accident of birth
Venkataraman Ramakrishnan, flooded with goodwill emails from India, finds it strange that those who had not been in touch with him for decades have found the urge to connect. "We are all human beings, and our nationality is simply an accident of birth," he said. Yes it is cent % right.
“All sorts of people from India have been writing to me, clogging up my email box. It takes me an hour or two to just remove their mails,” he said. He said the deluge of emails had buried important communications from colleagues or from journals concerning papers we have in press. “Do these people have no consideration? It is OK to take pride in the event, but why bother me?” the 57-year-old Indian-American scientist wondered in an email interview to PTI.He expressed anguish over “all sorts of lies” published about him in a section of the media that he went to school and pre-Science in Chidambaram, the Tamil Nadu temple town where he was born in 1952. “People I don’t know, for example a Mr. Govindrajan, claim that they were my teachers at Annamalai University which I never attended, since I left Chidambaram at the age of three,” Dr. Ramakrishnan clarified.
“Nobody has approached me about an offer to work in India. However, I can categorically state that if they did so, I would refuse immediately,” he added.
The Moral of The Story
This is not the first time that we are showing our "over enthusiasm" . As my memory goes, I can recall once when Laxmi Mittal's Arcelor is trying to acquire some London steel plant , and when there were news that it won't be possible- there was hue and cry from politicians to Media. Laxmi Mittal Even said at that time that his company is "not Indian". Another case is of Sania Mirza, and one more case Olympic GOld Medal winner in shooting.. the list is many.
With a nation of billion we are in search of some blazing stars to show up as pride of Nation. And given our economical social backgrounds, the stars in various fields are few and when one or two come up we over hype so much that either they get carried away or get buried under over expectations....
Now in this case when news came that Indian Born won Nobel Prize Chemistry, from President of India to the learned people everyone started flooding compliments.Being a nation of billion people even a small % will be mammoth. I feel we guys get more emotional at times when the situation doesn't demand.
Mr.Venkatraman left India at the age of three and is now 57 . So it is obvious, he is not an Inidan even in the slightest terms. So my dear fellow Country men rather than bothering someone , let us mind our own business and do our best in the development of Scientific temper in our country.
With improvements in infrastructure and research facilities , let us hope Nobel Standard research flourish in India and hope we will have '100 % Indian" Nobel Laureates ...