Friday, 22 Apr 2011
April 22nd is Earth Day : Have We Changed the Mother Earth for ever?
Mother Earth is a common expression for the planet earth in a number of countries and regions, which reflects the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet. For instance, Bolivians call Mother Earth Pachamama and Nicaraguans refer to her as Tonantzin. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day.
Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970.
From then the not-so-humble beginnings in 1970, when 20 million participated across the U.S., Earth Day has grown into a global tradition, which is now celebrated every year by more than a billion people in 180 nations around the world but many will do so with Facebook rather than megaphones.
Date: 22 Apr 2011 , Author: / Category: Environment / Views: 4366/Rating:5
Wednesday, 20 Apr 2011
PSLV C-16 Successful - Places Resoucesat, Youthsat, X-sat
The eighteenth mission of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C16) turned out to be a success on Wednesday, with the rocket placing the 1206 kg Indian Remote Sensing satellite RESOURCESAT-2 as well as 92 kg Indo-Russian YOUTHSAT and the 106 kg X-SAT of Singapore, which are auxiliary payloads – into an 822 km polar Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO). This was also the seventeenth consecutively successful launch of the PSLV, which has become the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) workhorse...
Date: 20 Apr 2011 , Author: / Category: India Space / Views: 5220/Rating:3.5
Saturday, 16 Apr 2011
Charlie Chaplin The Legend of Laughs - 122nd birthday- Google Doodles with a live video
Sir Charlie Chaplin wasn’t just the greatest star of the silent film era; he also wrote, directed and produced more than 80 movies in a career that spanned decades and included such masterpieces as The Kid, The Gold Rush and Modern Times. He scored many of his pictures as well, and on at least one occasion served as an on-set hairdresser.
Date: 16 Apr 2011 , Author: / Category: Legends, , / Views: 3923/Rating:5
Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011
Its 50 years since First Human Journey into outer space - Yuri Gagarin- A Film - A Doodle and Yoodle
On April 12, 1961 the first earthling escaped the gravity well of planet earth. In the spaceship Vostok 1, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin orbited earth one time at an altitude of 187 3/4 miles (302 kilometers) for 108 minutes at 18,000 miles an hour. He was the first man to see that the earth was indeed round, indeed mostly water, and indeed magnificent.
An image from the day of the launch had been painted onto the hulking Soyuz rocket, which was being tugged across the plain by an ageing diesel train. As the rocket was winched into its launch position, the face swivelled upright. Alongside it was the word “Poyekali”, or “Let’s go”, Gagarin’s final statement before he was launched into history.
Date: 12 Apr 2011 , Author: / Category: Legends, , / Views: 5649/Rating:4 / Comments:
Saturday, 9 Apr 2011
Government to set a committee to draft Lok Pal Bill - Anna Hazare calls off fast
The Jantar Mantar in New Delhi is a hot favourite of the average tourist in the summer. But since 5 April 2011, the astronomical observation site has become a focus of an anti-corruption campaign that has never been seen before, thanks to Anna Hazare. After decades of utter frustration, this one man, a veteran Gandhian, has emerged as the champion for tackling the menace of corruption. His crusade is a measure of the pent-up anger, especially among the young, springing from the manner in which politicians of all hues are taking the country for a ride through misuse of office and naked corruption. With the gap between the haves and have-nots widening, there is a sense of frustration among the diminishing tribe of honest Indians which is ready to explode.
Gandhian Anna Hazare on Saturday called off his hunger strike bringing to an end his 98-hour protest after government issued a gazette notification constituting a 10-member Joint Committee of ministers and civil society activists, including him, to draft an effective Lok Pal Bill.
Curtains were drawn on the anti-corruption campaign that drew instant nationwide support with a little girl giving the 73-year-old activist a glass of water at 10.45 am at Jantar Mantar, the nerve-centre of the agitation for a strong legislation to combat political and administrative graft...
Date: 9 Apr 2011 , Author: / Category: India / Views: 3399/Rating:5
Saturday, 2 Apr 2011
Video Highlight- 28 years of wait over- India the World Champion of Cricket - HURRAH!!!
It all went as per the script - may be a bit here and there . India wins the World Cup 2011. A feat that India last did in 1983 and it's billion plus cricket savy nation waiting for the moment. The happiness can be heard in the uproar at the stadium and the sounds of crackers here at a small remote village called Gooty where i am typing.
The emotions pitch can be seen from the tears of Harbhajan . A joy every Indian will remember for another four years. A victorious lap for sachin on the shoulders of this team members. I really can't afford to see the emotions in sachins face..... It's a moment of once in a life time. Yes India last won world cup before I was born and now it won again... THANK GOD>> THANKS SACHIN......
Date: 2 Apr 2011 , Author: / Category: India / Views: 4435/Rating:5
Thursday, 31 Mar 2011
181 Million People added in the last decade - and Indian Population is now 1.21 billion
India has added 181 million new people to its population over the last decade, according to the results of the 2011 census.
Call it Population Explosion, population catastrophe , or human resources blast - Indian population is up up on the way. 181 million new heads were added to the population in the last decade.
India's population is now 1.21bn, which is bigger than the combined populations of the US, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Bangladesh.India launched the latest census exercise last year.The growth rate in 2011 is 17.64 per cent in comparison to 21.15 per cent in 2001...
Date: 31 Mar 2011 , Author: / Category: India / Views: 6560/Rating:4.4