A Threat To Humanity...
The future is now.
We cannot afford
that tomorrow be
made of unfulfilled
good intentions
The tourist desination soon will be whiped off from the globe in next 100 years going by the IPCC's most conservative estimate.Frankly speaking there people doesn't use a car or moped. These innocent people are going to be the first in the prey for Global Warming. They are facing the punishment to the deeds of the others.This nation is a collective responsibility of the Global Community. We are already beginning to see these catastrophes unfold. As sea levels rise and tropical storms gather in intensity, millions of people face displacement. Dryland inhabitants, some of the most vulnerable on our planet, have to cope with more frequent and more sustained droughts. And as glaciers retreat, water supplies are being put at risk.
Climate Change & Causes?The DamageIts Action Time
It is A Proved Threat
There is no doubt about it, we are facing a tremendous challenge; one that is being exacerbated by climate changeMan's never satiated desire in the quest of knowledge has enabled him to grow and establish his mastery in a myriad of spheres.His indomitable spirit to explore and experiment with new things of this world and for that matter this universe is on the prowl and in full vigor since centuries.In the name of civilization man has encroached into all forms of life and also to all supporting forms of life namely hydrosphere,lithosphere,biosphere,atmosphere collectively called the environment.In this era of rapid technological advancements there has been compelling pressure on man to exploit the once huge reservoirs of nature's resources.This over exploitation of nature's resources has resulted in what is called the Environmental Decline.With this decline being superfast these days man is faced with the gargantuan task of saving the environment as he is aware of only one planet on which life is sustainable.Cooperation among people of different nations of the world is the only option that is left before us.
The consequences of climate change are behind comprehension. The heat trapping gases we send into the atmosphere in 2009 will stay there until 2110 and beyond. We are therefore making costlier choices today that will have a profound effect on our lives, our children, our grand children. This makes Global Warming different and much more difficult than other challenges facing humanity. The comfort and pride of a own car, own bike in place of mass transport system will only snatch the comfort of our future generations.
Ozone Man, Ozone. He's crazy, way out, far out, man. —speaking about Al Gore during the 1992 presidential campaignThis is the statement of high profile Statesman(George Bush Sr.) about ozone depletion.But now its proved that it is George Bush who was crazy.There is now overwhelming scientific evidence that the world is moving towards the point at which irreversible ecological catastrophe becomes unavoidable. We just can’t sit back and say that “we are being optimistic”.
We don’t inherit our land, this nature, these fields from our parent generations – but we borrow them from our future generationsIt is our human duty to return the debt with interest. But what we are doing is ‘swallowing the principle amount itself’.The poorest countries and most vulnerable citizens will suffer the earliest and most damaging setbacks, even though they have contributed least to the problem. Looking to the future, no country—however wealthy or powerful—will be immune to the impact of global warming.
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. We are faced now with the fact
that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding
conundrum of life and history there is such a thing as being too late…We may
cry out desperately for time to pause in her passage, but time is deaf to every plea and
rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are
written the pathetic words: Too late. - Martin Luther King Jr. ‘Where do we go from here: chaos or community’
These power puffed resonant words are highly relevant to today's Global warming problem.Global Warming evolved to a stage where it can dictate terms to limit the choices of human freedom. If this continues the scope of expansion of human potential will be severely hit.

The early warning signs are predominently visible- the poor of the world who are always pushed to the vulnerable locations are already being forced to face the threat.World media is completely missing these apocalyptic events.The intense droughts,the more intense floods, the flash stroms, the immnse environmental stress are murdering the already lost people. In the wild mask of economic bhooms and dooms, these poor people's agony is unheard. The enchroaching threats are masked.
Climate change provides a potent reminder of the one thing that we share in common. It is called planet Earth. All nations and all people share the same atmosphereThere is a window of opportunity for avoiding the most damaging climate change impacts, but that window is closing: the world has less than a decade to change course. Actions taken—or not taken—in the years ahead will have a profound bearing on the future course of human development. The world lacks neither the financial resources nor the technological capabilities to act. What is missing is a sense of urgency, human solidarity and collective interest.
Global Warming challenges us to reflect on social justice and human rights across countries and generations. It challenges political leaders and people in rich nations to acknowledge their historic responsibility for the problem, and to initiate deep and early cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
Above all, it challenges the entire human community to undertake prompt and strong collective action based on shared values and a shared vision.
Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher,or war ever could.Environmental problems are global in scope and respect no nation's boundaries.Therefore,people are faced with the choice of unity and cooperation on the one hand and a common tragedy at the other.